BadgerLink by the Numbers

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Each year the BadgerLink team gathers statistical information on our resources and website, and 2014 proved to be another great year! As the usage numbers grow, you show the importance of our online resources.

Here's how the use of our resources stacked up:

 sessions by year


Sessions have more than tripled since 2009

Sessions are unique visits to a site.

All providers track this metric.

 searches by year



Over 121 million searches performed in 2014

Searches are the number of queries performed within a resource. 

EBSCO, Encyclopedia Britannica, HeritageQuest Online, LitFINDER, and TeachingBooks track this metric.

 pageviews by year


Pageviews rebound to previous year levels

Pageviews are the number of page refreshes or link clicks to new pages in a resource.

AccessNewspaper Archive, Encyclopedia Britannica, Soundzabound, TeachingBooks, Wisconsin Media Lab, and Wisconsin Newspaper Association track this metric.


Here's a little about the use of the BadgerLink website:

Using Google Analytics we've noticed an increase in referral traffic from Wisconsin's school and library websites - AWESOME! Some top referrers this year (in alphabetical order):

Thank you for supporting BadgerLink! In 2015, we will continue to support your educational and recreational information needs at