What you need to know about Explora

Introducing Explora

Explora is a new EBSCO resource! Each Explora interface features an attractive, user-friendly design that is easily viewed on mobile devices. A single search box on the homepage helps to simplify the search process and increase student success. Easy-to-browse categories are organized by popular topics, and topic overviews provide users with a starting point for research. 
Explora will be available in BadgerLink by June 30, 2015. At that time the following EBSCO interfaces will be phased out: Kids Search, Searchasaurus, and Student Research Center.


BadgerLink is working with EBSCO to manage the transition to Explora. As a user, you don’t need to do anything.
If you manage a website with links to BadgerLink resources, you may need to change your links to Kids Search, Searchasaurus, and Student Research Center. We will be posting more information through the Badger BulletinFacebook, and TwitterContact Us for more information


EBSCO is phasing out Kids Search, Searchasaurus, and Student Research Center. If you manage a website with links to BadgerLink resources, you may need to change your links to Kids Search, Searchasaurus, and Student Research Center. We will be posting more information through the Badger BulletinFacebook, and TwitterContact Us  for more information


On April 2, BadgerLink held a webinar lead by EBSCO Training Specialist, Lisa Dennis, about the Explora interface. View the recording
Created by EBSCO, this short video describes how you will be able to easily use Explora: bit.ly/Explora312.
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