New Browse Features in NoveList

You’ve always been able to search NoveList for great reading recommendations, but with the addition of two major new features, it is easier than ever to browse.

Browse by genre 

Maybe you’re someone who reads all the Historical Mysteries out there and you want to check out some other kinds of mysteries. Or maybe you just want to see what’s new and forthcoming in Romances. These new pages are the perfect solution! Organized by popular genres and full of visually appealing book carousels, they encourage exploration.

Browse by appeal

 If you really enjoy books with a certain ‘feel’ or ‘mood’, then browsing by appeal is for you. Appeals are a signature feature of NoveList – read more about them. NoveList's release includes an appeal mixer that allows you to custom-blend appeal terms for just the right mood. NoveList also added a few suggested combinations on the page to inspire you. Browse by appeal Quick access and answers You might also notice that the top menu bar is different. NoveList has redesigned it to give you quick access to the new features above, as well as other popular pages. NoveList also added a new ‘How Do I…?” menu that offers quick answers to common questions.


When will this be available?

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