News From Wisconsin Media Lab

Unfortunately, Flocabulary’s the Week in Rap, a resource provided by the Wisconsin Media Lab, will no longer be available through BadgerLink.

The 2015-2017 state budget reduced funding to Wisconsin Media Lab which forced a reduction in staff and services offered.  Wisconsin Media Lab will also cease production of new episodes of Wisconsin-based material such as “Wisconsin Biographies,” “The Ways,” “Into the Book” and others.

Projects currently in the production stage will be finished.  In September, Wisconsin Media Lab will release the “Into the Book” website in Spanish.  Wisconsin Media Lab will also have a new Wisconsin geography online activity, “Into the Map.” Sign up for the Wisconsin Media Lab newsletter to learn more about these resources (

Wisconsin Media Lab will continue to deliver many of the high-quality, cost-free media resources for use in your classrooms and libraries. The following resources and others will be available at and BadgerLink:

  • Soundzabound
  • Digital Science Online (update 6/30/2016 - this resource is no longer available)
  • Ciencias en Español (update 6/30/2016 - this resource is no longer available)
  • Completed Wisconsin Media Lab Productions like “Wisconsin Biographies,” “The Ways,” and  “Into the Book”

Please contact Kristin Leglar at Wisconsin Media Lab if you have any questions.