BadgerLink Office Hours are back!

Join the BadgerLink librarians on the last Tuesday of each month at 10am for a 30 minute, agenda-less, virtual meeting. Stop in and ask any questions you have about BadgerLink, and see what others are curious about! These sessions are free and open to all.

Mark your calendars!

Tuesday, August 30th at 10am
Tuesday, September 27th at 10am
Tuesday, October 25th at 10am​
Tuesday, November 29th at 10am
There will be no office hours in December! 

Ask questions like...
How can I make virtual "clippings" of newspaper articles in Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers?
Where can I find information on auto repair?
How can I save my favorite articles to view later?

Interested? Here's how to join!

Sign up for email reminders

Ask a Librarian if you have any questions!