Visit BadgerLink at upcoming conferences!

The BadgerLink team is attending an exciting lineup of conferences this spring. If you’re planning on attending any of them, please come say hello! We will be presenting and/or exhibiting, and will have free posters and bookmarks to take back to your school, library, or organization. See where we’re headed and add us to your list of presentations or exhibitors to see!

WI State Reading Association logo
Wisconsin State Reading Association Conference
Wednesday, February 8 - Friday, February 10
Exhibits on Wednesday evening, Thursday, and Friday morning

WEMTA 2017 logo
Wisconsin Educational Media & Technology Association Conference
Sunday, March 19 - Tuesday, March 21
Wisconsin Dells
Exhibits on Monday and on Tuesday morning
Presentation Monday, March 20 from 3:45 to 4:45 in Crown Palm,
“Beyond Access: Developing Deep Knowledge of BadgerLink Resources”

WSST logo
Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers Conference
Thursday, March 16 - Saturday, March 18
Exhibits on Thursday evening & Friday
Presentation on Thursday at 3pm, “
BadgerLink, Your Online Laboratory!”


WI Health Literacy Summit logo
Wisconsin Health Literacy Summit
Tuesday, April 4 - Wednesday, April 5
Exhibits on Tuesday, April 4

Stay tuned for more updates on conferences from April on, and as always, contact us with any questions!