Library of the Month: Rhinelander District Library

The Library of the Month is a celebration of Wisconsin libraries compiled by the BadgerLink team. Want to be the next Library of the Month? Nominate your library!

Rhinelander District Library building Image from Rhinelander District Library

What is now the Rhinelander District Library began in 1897. By 1902, the library needed to expand and an application was made to philanthropist Andrew Carnegie for the money to build a new library. Money was promised, lumber and a location donated, and funding for operating costs secured. The formal dedication of the city’s first public building took place in November 1904. Now, more than century later, the library looks different and there are different services, but the core mission is the same, promoting equal access to information and ideas, the love of reading, the joy of learning, and engagement with the arts, sciences, and humanities

Adults having fun with crafts Image from Rhinelander District Library

The library offers many fun and educational programs. For adults, a popular event is Crafternoon which takes place the third Wednesday of every month and features a DIY activity like creating a string art, building a layered sand terrarium, or decorating cookies. Art is an outlet that relieves stress, encourages creative thinking, and is generally good for mental health. The library provides the materials and everyone benefits.

For young children, the library provides several storytimes to develop early literacy skills. Another very popular program is the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program. After only two years of the program there are 16 graduates and over 30,000 books have been read!

Kids watching a movie Image from Rhinelander District Library

The library connects with the local schools. When classes are reading a book that has a movie, the library provides copies of the books, does book talks, and then also hosts a screening of the movie with popcorn. When the students participate in the movie screening, they get a quick tour of the library and leave with a free book.

Kids with certificates Image from Rhinelander District Library

This fall, the library will continue the collaboration with schools to present the Kid's Choice Awards, which gives kids the opportunity to vote on their favorite book from a list of great books. No educational collaboration is complete without the inclusion of 21st Century skills! To incorporate technology skills and digital literacy, kids can also use library equipment to create book trailers that will be shared with other kids.

The Rhinelander District Library is your small town library with big city services. Serving Rhinelander with pride since 1897!