Celebrate Health Literacy with BadgerLink Resources

October is Health Literacy Month, a perfect time to highlight the health resources available to all Wisconsin residents through BadgerLink. Login to BadgerLink to access these resources from home today!

Question about your prescription medication? Take a look at AHFS Consumer Medication Information. Published by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, it offers content from drug information ebooks. Written for the average person, this resource oncludes "how to" information for administering different types of medications and identifies medications that have the potential for adverse events when used by older adults.

Want to learn more about alternative and holistic approaches to health care and wellness? Alt HealthWatch contains full-text articles for more than 190 international, and often peer-reviewed journals on subjects such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, childbirth, Chinese medicine, chiropractic, creative therapies, cross-cultural therapies, energy medicine, herbalism, homeopathy, mind-body medicine, naturopathy, nutrition, osteopathy, and more​.

Consumer Health Complete is your one-stop shop, BadgerLink resource for consumer-oriented health content, from mainstream to holistic medicine. This resource contains full text for more than 560 magazines and journals, 230 full-text health reference books and encyclopedias, and hundreds of medical images and diagrams​.

If you are a middle or high school student researching consumer health information for a project, start your search with Health Source: Consumer Edition. Full-text consumer health magazines, health pamphlets, and reference books that cover many health topics including medical sciences, food science and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine, and general health. Great for general public use too!

Nursing and medical students at the college and postbaccalaureate level may find Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition more helpful for their research. With more than 355 full-text journals including 287 peer-reviewed journals, this resource provides researchers, allied health professionals, nurses, and medical educators with information on many medical disciplines. Full-text journals include: Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Journal of Nursing Management, Nursing Ethics, Nursing Inquiry and more!

For even more in depth academic research in the medical/nursing fields, be sure to also utilize MEDLINE and PubMed. MEDLINE contains over 21 million citations to journal articles in the life sciences and is used by healthcare professionals, nurses, clinicians, and researchers engaged in clinical care, public health, and health policy development. PubMed has over 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.

Questions about getting started searching in any of these resources? Ask a Librarian or check out the BadgerLink Training page for helpful information sheets and videos.