LearningExpress Library Highlight Series: High School Equivalency Center

LearningExpress Library is a collection of web-based test preparation tools and skill-building materials. LearningExpress Library has eight centers, four of which are specifically for adult learners to gain knowledge and develop skills. Over the next two weeks, Bulletin will highlight unique content of these four centers: Adult Core Skills, Career Preparation, High School Equivalency, and Recursos para Hispanohablantes.

LearningExpress Library’s High School Equivalency Center provides guided support and preparation to help you earn a high school equivalency credential. High school equivalency credentials can vary from state to state; this Center highlights all three: GED, HiSET and TASC. Wisconsin only recognizes the GED test and other HSED pathways in PI-5 . To see more about taking the GED test in Wisconsin, please see the DPI webpage: Wisconsin's GED/HSED Program

How Can I Use this Center to Prepare?

Step 1: Your first step towards earning your high school equivalency credential is to use Skills Check diagnostic tests in the "Are you Ready" category to find out your preparation level.

TABE Power Practice eBook cover eBook available
in High School Equivalency Center

Step 2: If your diagnostic tests indicate that you’re not ready and need to build your basic skills in reading, writing, or math, you can use the skill-building practice sets and helpful tutorials in the "Build Your Basic Skills" category to get up to speed.

Writing Tutorial in High School Equivalency Center Writing tutorial in High School Equivalency Center

Step 3: When you’re ready to dive into preparing for your GED® test or HiSET®, use the full-length practice tests and helpful tutorials to help ensure you get great scores. Learn About the GED® Test with tutorials, eBooks, flashcards, practice tests in reasoning through language arts, mathematical reasoning, science and social studies.

GED Flashcards side 1 Flashcard in High School Equivalency Center Flashcard in High School Equivalency Center side 2 Flashcard in High School Equivalency Center

Additional Sections in this Center

GED® en Español provides all the same full-length practice tests and helpful tutorials for the GED® test in Spanish. 

You can also prepare for the HiSet and TASC Test Assessing Secondary Completion, two other exams that give out-of-school youth and adults the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and earn a high school equivalency (HSE) credential. However, these are not the high school equivalency assessments used in Wisconsin.


Register for an Account

Everyone needs to register for an account to access LearningExpress Library’s content. Account registration is quick and easy.

LearningExpress Library registration page LearningExpress Library registration page

Once an account has been created, users can view eBooks and flashcards they’ve downloaded, start and stop any practice test or tutorial, and pick up right where they left off through the My Center feature. They can also download and share their progress.

LearningExpress Library My Center LearningExpress Library My Center

Want to add LearningExpress Library High School Equivalency to your website?

To add to your library’s website, the direct link to this resource is https://www.wiscat.net/ext/validateglobal.php?cid=stwi&lid=stwi&dataid=1916 and either logo can be used:

LearningExpress Library High School Equivalency logoLearningExpress Library High School Equivalency logo

To add this resource to your school’s learning management system, library management system, or single sign-on platform, please contact us!