Juneteenth is a federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, observed annually on June 19. To learn more about this historical event, check out the following BadgerLink resources:

- Discover the basic history of Juneteenth from encyclopedia content in Britannica Library. You can also check out Biography Browse in Britannica Library and Britannica School to learn more about historical figures.
- Learn even more details about Juneteenth's past and present from academic journal articles and research in History Reference Center. Simply type Juneteenth in the basic search box.
- Read about nationwide events and stories in current editions of major U.S. newspapers through U.S. Newsstream, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, and Chicago Tribune. To search U.S. Newsstream by publication, follow the step-by-step info sheet.

- TeachingBooks provides activities to fully engage children and young adult readers with book titles on Juneteenth and the holiday's historical figures at https://www.teachingbooks.net/qlqo9pf.