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Consumer Reports Buying Guide

Friday, August 19, 2022

BadgerLink provides online access to Consumer Reports Magazine, including the Consumer Reports Buying Guide! This helpful buying guide is now listed on the Popular Magazines page for easy access.

The Consumer Reports Buying Guide is a product-test and consumer advisory publication, published annually by Consumer Reports Magazine. This publication contains results of tests on products ranging from major purchases (i.e. automobiles & appliances) to everyday items (i.e. food & cleaning products). BadgerLink provides online access to the Consumer Reports Buying Guides from 1998 to the most recent 2022 edition through MasterFILE Complete.  

When accessing the Consumer Reports Buying Guide from BadgerLink's Popular Magazines page, please complete the following steps prior to clicking the link to the Guide:

  1. Authenticate Me and if prompted, follow the steps to log in. If MasterFILE Complete opens in another tab, it can be closed. 
  2. Return to the Popular Magazines page and select the Consumer Reports Buying Guide. 
  3. Contact us if you have any questions.