*New* Resource Guide for Educators' Professional Learning

BadgerLink's latest resource guide is made for current Wisconsin educators, as well as students of higher education studying in the field of Education. The Educators' Professional Learning Resource Guide was created to provide a listing of BadgerLink’s resources for professional development needs including scholarly research, journal articles, trade publications, and reports. This guide highlights these resources, all available through BadgerLink: 

  • Explora Educator's Edition A multi-database search interface from EBSCO. This database searches across Academic Search Premier, Education Research Complete, ERIC, Professional Development Collection, and Teacher Reference Center for quick and easy access to professional research and scholarly articles in the field of Education.
    • Academic Search Premier A multidisciplinary database of academic journals for scholarly research. This full-text database has over 2,000 active full-text, non-open access journals, most peer-reviewed and more than 75,000 videos from the Associated Press, updated monthly.
    • Education Research Complete An education research database with full-text journals covering all levels from early childhood to higher education. This full-text database has unique full-text journals not available in Academic Search Premier, over 3,700 education-related conference papers and more than 550 full-text books.
    • ERIC An authoritative database of citations and full-text education literature and resources. This database has more than 1.6 million records and links to nearly 750,000 full-text documents, including journal articles, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, dissertations, and policy papers.
    • Professional Development Collection Includes 300 full-text, peer-reviewed journals, more than 200 educational reports, and publication titles such as Booklist, Education, Education Digest, Education Week, Educational Leadership, Journal of Education, Journal of Educational Research, Reading Teacher and School Library Journal.
    • Teacher Reference Center An abstracting and indexing database for more than 220 peer-reviewed journals.

This guide is provided as a PDF to be shared via libraries' and library system's professional development webpages, downloaded, printed, or bookmarked. You can find this guide on BadgerLink's For Library Staff page .

Questions or feedback on the guide? Contact Us!