TeachingBooks 2023 Webinar Spotlights

Energize literacy instruction with digital resources from BadgerLink resource, TeachingBooks that connect readers to titles. Select the title of the 20-minute webinar for details. Watch for reminders prior to the webinar and a follow-up afterward.

Differentiating with TeachingBooks Multi-Leveled Lessons
January 26 12:30 CT 
Discover the many facets of our unique Multi-Leveled Lessons. These gems allow you to easily scaffold learning for the range of students in your literacy groups. Find something new for the genre you’re teaching.

And the Winner is...Awarding-Winning titles
February 23 12:30 CT
Keep up with the latest award-winning titles receiving both state and national honors. Discover resources for hundreds of books from dozens of authoritative lists.

Resources for All Readers
March 23 12:30 CT
Support reading development and engage readers with resources to develop fluency, support comprehension and celebrate different learning styles.

A Menu of Ready-to-Use Ideas from TeachingBooks
April 27 12:30 CT
Get a taste of Ready-to-Use Ideas that include featured lists and fillable lessons–all available at a moment's notice.

Get Ready for Independent Reading
May 25 12:30 CT
Independent readers need time, practice, and selection skills to choose books wisely. Learn new strategies to prepare students for summer self-selection.

Looking at Literature with the Text Complexity Toolkit
Thursday, June 22 12:30 CT
Whether you're matching titles to readers, planning for a lesson, or evaluating a text, the TeachingBooks Text Complexity Toolkit is here to help. Think deeply about how stories are put together and connect with titles and authors.

Gain Insight with the Collection Analysis Toolkit
Thursday, July 20 12:30 CT
Join us to learn how the Collection Analysis Toolkit assists when examining the genre, recency, and diversity represented. Generate reports to support collection development needs.

To view all the webinar spotlights, go to TeachingBooks Support page

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