BadgerLink Newspaper Procurement Complete

This past year the Department of Public Instruction Library Services Team, along with an evaluator panel of community members in the library field, underwent a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to procure three newspaper collections. As described in the BadgerLink Procurement Collections they include:

Newspapers published in large Wisconsin & U.S. cities 

Major U.S. and Wisconsin daily and weekly newspapers, providing full coverage of all issues published between at least 1975 and the present in at least the ten (10) largest U.S. cities as determined by the 2020 U.S. Census, at least the ten (10) largest Wisconsin cities as determined by the 2020 U.S. Census, and other Wisconsin cities with populations over 10,000.

This collection has been awarded and contracted to ProQuest for the product U.S. Newsstream for an initial two-year term ending in 2025. 

Newspapers published in small Wisconsin communities 

Wisconsin daily and weekly newspapers, providing full coverage of all issues published between at least 2005 and the present in Wisconsin communities with populations of up to 10,000.

This collection has been awarded and contracted to Wisconsin Newspaper Association for the product Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers for an initial two-year term ending in 2025. An exciting update to this collection -- the previous embargo of 90 days has been reduced to 60 days! 

Historic newspapers

U.S., including Wisconsin, daily and weekly newspapers, published between 1750 and the present in cities and communities of all sizes. 

This collection was awarded but ultimately not contracted due to budgetary limitations. However, ProQuest’s Library Edition World Collection has been renewed for a final year through June 30, 2024. DPI intends to include a similar collection in an upcoming procurement for contracts beginning July 1, 2024. 

Thank you to everyone for your continued use and support of statewide access to both national and Wisconsin newspapers! Questions? Contact Us!