Call for Evaluators in upcoming BadgerLink Request for Proposals

Do you work in a library and with K-12 resources, general interest magazines, or readers' advisory?

The DPI Library Services team is preparing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for three separate BadgerLink Collection areas: 

  1. Magazines, journals, and other reference materials for the K-12 community.

  2. General interest magazines.

  3. Reader’s advisory for children through adults.  

The RFP process includes a panel of 3-5 evaluators for each Collection area. Are you or a member of your team interested in serving as an evaluator on one or more of these Collection areas? We are specifically looking for those who are both interested in, and work closely with, resources in these areas. 

The panel of evaluators will work with DPI and the Department of Administration in the structured procurement process, scoring each vendor response based on a set of benchmarks. They will be required to attend up to five days of meetings over a four-month period; one for a kick-off meeting, two to process responses, and up to two days for vendor demonstrations. The number of demonstrations will depend on the number of proposals received.  

The meetings will most likely be virtual, but a hybrid option may be made available. Evaluators will need to sign the equivalent of a non-disclosure agreement, will not have access to any pricing until all evaluations have been completed, and will need to be available for all meetings. The work will likely take place between November of 2023 and February of 2024.

We hope to have our evaluators selected by September 22, so your timely response will be very helpful. 

Please complete this form with your name, library/school, work email address, the Collection area(s) you are interested in, and a brief statement as to why you are interested.

Please also reach out if you have any questions. Thank you!