
Britannica Escolar..
Enciclopedia español para los estudiantes más jóvenes y educadores
Spanish encyclopedia for younger students and educators
- Completa enciclopedia española - Complete Spanish encyclopedia
Incluye artículos, imágenes , mapas, tablas , líneas de tiempo , así como un diccionario completo y atlas - Includes articles, images, maps, tables, timelines, as well as a complete dictionary and atlas

Britannica Fundamentals
Innovative early learning resource for students in grade levels kindergarten through second grade
- Previously Britannica Learning Zone
Play: interactive games on early literacy and math skills
Read: animated e-books introducing fundamental concepts while building language, critical thinking, and comprehension skills
- Create: drawing tool providing students the opportunity to illustrate a concept or express their own personality
- Explore: videos and images on the biomes of the world and their distinct characteristics

Britannica School - Early Elementary
Learning resource collection tailored to the unique needs of PreK-2 students and educators.

Britannica School - Elementary
Encyclopedia articles with images, maps, games, and other learning materials for elementary school students and educators
- Every article and image have a citation
- Double-click on a word for definitions, pronunciations, and Spanish translation
- Switch between levels to find the appropriately difficult article

Britannica School Atlas - Elementary
Interactive world atlas designed especially for younger students
- Full-color maps that reflect today's world
Access data on population, languages, and monetary units
Links to age-appropriate articles

Britannica School Images & Videos - Elementary
Browse Britannica's images and videos for elementary school students
- Browse by Animals, Fine Arts, Language Arts, Places, Plants and Other Living Things, Science and Mathematics, Social Studies, Sports and Hobbies, and World Religions
- All images and videos have a citation

Explora for Elementary Schools
Search interface for EBSCO's elementary school resources
- Browse by Animals, Arts & Music, Biographies, Geography, Language Arts, Math, Science & Health, and Social Studies
Searches American Heritage® Children's Dictionary, Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, and Primary Search
Also includes the Primary Search Reference eBook Collection
Full-text articles are searchable by reading level indicator (Lexile)

Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary
The largest, most comprehensive American dictionary
- More than 700,000 definitions with 143,000 etymologies
- Also includes Top 10 Lists, Word of the Day, and "Ask the Editor" videos
- Included in Britannica School

NoveList K-8
Children's fiction recommendation resource with read-alikes, discussion guides, reading lists, and more
- Search for books by keyword and reading level (Lexile)
Includes book recommendations created by book experts
Search by terms of appeal like style and mood