
Explore BadgerLink resources below. For a more specific list, use the filters.


Britannica Escolar..

Enciclopedia español para los estudiantes más jóvenes y educadores

Spanish encyclopedia for younger students and educators

  • Completa enciclopedia española - Complete Spanish encyclopedia
  • Incluye artículos, imágenes , mapas, tablas , líneas de tiempo , así como un diccionario completo y atlas - Includes articles, images, maps, tables, timelines, as well as a complete dictionary and atlas

Britannica Fundamentals

Innovative early learning resource for students in grade levels kindergarten through second grade

  • Previously Britannica Learning Zone
  • Play: interactive games on early literacy and math skills
  • Read: animated e-books introducing fundamental concepts while building language, critical thinking, and comprehension skills
  • Create: drawing tool providing students the opportunity to illustrate a concept or express their own personality
  • Explore: videos and images on the biomes of the world and their distinct characteristics

Britannica Library

Comprehensive reference and learning resource for children and adults.  This resource is ideal for public library patrons and does not replace Britannica School.

  • Four distinct interfaces and reading levels in one site: Young Children, Children, Young Adults, and Reference Center
  • Content updated daily

Britannica Moderna

Enciclopedia española para estudiantes mayores y educadores

Spanish encyclopedia for older students and educators

  • Completa enciclopedia española - Complete Spanish encyclopedia
  • Incluye artículos, imágenes , mapas, tablas , líneas de tiempo , así como un diccionario completo y atlas - Includes articles, images, maps, tables, timelines, as well as a complete dictionary and atlas

Britannica School

Access point for Britannica School Elementary, Middle, and High

  • Every article and image have a citation
  • Double-click on a word for definitions, pronunciations, and Spanish translation
  • Switch between levels to find the appropriately difficult article​

Britannica School - Early Elementary

Learning resource collection tailored to the unique needs of PreK-2 students and educators.

Britannica School - Elementary

Encyclopedia articles with images, maps, games, and other learning materials for elementary school students and educators

  • Every article and image have a citation
  • Double-click on a word for definitions, pronunciations, and Spanish translation
  • Switch between levels to find the appropriately difficult article

Britannica School - High..

Encyclopedia articles with images, maps, games, and other learning materials for high school students and educators

  • Every article and image have a citation
  • Double-click on a word for definitions, pronunciations, and Spanish translation
  • Switch between levels to find the appropriately difficult article

Britannica School - Middle

Encyclopedia articles with images, maps, games, and other learning materials for middle school students and educators

  • Every article and image have a citation
  • Double-click on a word for definitions, pronunciations, and Spanish translation
  • Switch between levels to find the appropriately difficult article

Britannica School Atlas - Elementary

Interactive world atlas designed especially for younger students

  • Full-color maps that reflect today's world
  • Access data on population, languages, and monetary units
  • Links to age-appropriate articles​

Britannica School Atlas - High

Interactive world atlas designed especially for older students

  • Full-color maps that reflect today's world
  • Access data on population, languages, and monetary units
  • Links to age-appropriate

Britannica School Atlas - Middle

Interactive world atlas designed especially for middle school students

  • Full-color maps that reflect today's world
  • Access data on population, languages, and monetary units
  • Links to age-appropriate articles

Britannica School Images & Videos - Elementary

Browse Britannica's images and videos for elementary school students

  • Browse by Animals, Fine Arts, Language Arts, Places, Plants and Other Living Things, Science and Mathematics, Social Studies, Sports and Hobbies, and World Religions
  • All images and videos have a citation

Britannica School Images & Videos - High

Browse Britannica's images and videos for high school students

  • Browse by Animals, Arts and Literature, Earth and Geography, History, Life Processes, Living Things, Philosophy and Religion, Plants, Science and Mathematics, Society, Sports and Recreation, and Technology
  • All images and videos have a citation​

Britannica School Images & Videos - Middle

Browse Britannica's images and video for middle school students

  • Browse by Animals, Arts and Literature, Earth and Geography, History, Life Processes, Living Things, Philosophy and Religion, Plants, Science and Mathematics, Society, Sports and Recreation, and Technology
  • All images and videos have a citation​

Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia..

Encyclopedia for students and adults

  • Over 25,000 encyclopedia entries, including images; included in Explora for Elementary and Explora for Middle & High Schools