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History Reference Source

External Resource
History Reference Source

Full-text history reference resource (previously named History Reference Center)


  • Full-text books, magazines, historical documents, biographies, and multimedia
  • Nearly 57,000 historical documents and 40,000 historical photos and maps
  • More than 1,990 full-text reference books
  • Full-text articles are searchable by reading level indicator (Lexile)

For Educators


EBSCO Resources: Info Sheet

Learn how to utilize basic search within EBSCO resources.

Searching in EBSCOhost
Searching in EBSCOhost

EBSCO Resources: Searching in new EBSCOhost

Video Length: Less than 5 min

This tutorial demonstrates the features of the new EBSCOhost user interface, as seen when using resources such as Academic Search Premier... Learn More about EBSCO Resources: Searching in new EBSCOhost

Primary Sources
Primary Sources

Primary Sources

Video Length: Less than 5 min

Learn how to find primary sources in Library Edition- World Collection & History Reference Center (created 9-27-2019, updated 11-2-2023)