Resource Highlight: LearningExpress Library

In celebration of heading back to school, BadgerLink Bulletin is highlighting BadgerLink resources especially for our K-12 students and educators.

Resource Basics

LearningExpress Library is a collection of web-based test preparation tools and skill-building materials. Within each of LearningExpress Library’s seven centers, you can take practice tests, download eBooks, review tutorials, and print out flashcards. Two centers are especially relevant to K-12 students and educators:

  • School Center provides skill-building resources for classroom and homework success for grades 4-12. Students can work on math, reading, grammar, spelling, science, logic, and geography skills. There is also practice for high school entrance exams.

  • College Admissions Test Preparation offers practice tests and tutorials for important exams like the ACT, SAT, and AP Tests. Students can access authentic practice tests, test-taking strategies and tips, interactive tutorials, and essay practice. There are three options for simulated tests to mimic test-day conditions. Upon completion of practice tests, the student is provided diagnostic score reports with personalized study plans identifying strengths and areas that need further practice and review.

Training Tools

Find info sheets and recorded webinars highlighting tools and features of LearningExpress Library, available on the BadgerLink Training page.

In the Classroom

Students need to register for an account to access LearningExpress Library’s content. Account registration is quick and easy.

LearningExpress Library registration page LearningExpress Library registration page

Once an account has been created, students can view eBooks and flashcards they’ve downloaded, start and stop any practice test or tutorial, and pick up right where they left off through the My Center feature. They can also download their progress and share with their educators or tutors.

LearningExpress Library My Center LearningExpress Library My Center

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