Welcome New BadgerLink Advisory Group Members!

The BadgerLink Advisory Group seeks to improve the ability of all Wisconsin residents to access and effectively use high-quality, licensed resources provided by BadgerLink, expand service visibility, and build stronger relationships between the service and stakeholders. By gathering the diverse opinions and expertise of Wisconsin’s learner communities, we will develop strategies to adapt and grow the BadgerLink service as needs evolve.

From a pool of 12 applicants, we are delighted to announce the advisory group’s three new members for the 2023-2024 term:

  • Joe Hardenbrook, Carroll University
  • Tom Reich, UW Stevens Point
  • Sara Schoepke, Waterford Graded School District

The selection criteria included a number of items intended to establish a diverse group of professionals. Group membership needed to include individuals from K-12 schools or academic library environments with different geographic locations, organization size and type, levels of experience, positions or roles, and backgrounds. Thank you to those who expressed an interest in this group!

These new members join five members that were added last year. These returning members are:

  • Marie Bonde, Lester Public Library (Two Rivers, WI)
  • Tom Carson, W. J. Niederkorn Public Library

  • Toni Heinowski, Muskego Norway School District

  • Neeyati Shah, Madison Public Library

  • Stephanie Snyder, Milwaukee Public Schools, Bayview High School

Be on the lookout for more information on our new members and the group’s two annual meetings on BadgerLink’s Bulletin and the BadgerLink Advisory Group page.