Finding Outdoor Inspiration Online

It’s true there are a plethora of gardening ideas to be found through social media, TV shows, and in books at the library. But another source of inspiration can come from browsing the available online magazines through BadgerLink. Learn about new plants, find information on public gardens in Wisconsin and around the country, or get design ideas. Just double check your zone before heading to the garden center or online retailer! Many, but not all, of the magazines are in PDF full-text. This simply means the articles will appear exactly as they do in print, images and all. Titles listed below are all available in PDF format.

Popular Magazines

As the name suggests, the Popular Magazines page lists top titles from BadgerLink users based on usage data.

  • Better Homes & Gardens
  • Country Gardens
  • Martha Stewart Living
  • Midwest Living
  • Mother Earth News

Using Publication Finder

A host of other, perhaps less popular but no less interesting, titles are also available. Use the Publication Finder through Explora for Everyone to search for specific titles or browse subject areas such as Gardens & Gardening.

  • Blazing Star > From the North American Native Plant Society (Canada), contains planting and harvesting information about native plants of North America.

  • California Garden > The oldest horticulture magazine in continuous publication in the US. For readers in foreign countries with similar climatic conditions, as well as in colder areas of the United States, where the information is used for growing plants in greenhouses.

  • The Public Garden: The Journal of the American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta > Focuses on topics of broad interest to professionals in public horticulture.

  • Wild Ones Journal > Contains information and ideas on landscaping with native plants. Articles include how-to plan, create, and maintain your native landscape at your home, school or workplace, as well as overcoming common problems with invasive plants.

So take some time to explore what's available, read something new, and then get outside! 

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