
Academic Search Premier..
Multidisciplinary database of academic journals for scholarly research
- Full-Text Database
- Over 2,000 active full-text, non-open access journals, most peer-reviewed
- More than 75,000 videos from the Associated Press, updated monthly

Core Collections Complete
Interface search for Children's, Middle & Junior High, and Senior High Core Collections that includes reliable guides for collection development and maintenance, curriculum support, readers' advisory and general reference.
- Searches Children's, Middle & Junior High, and Senior High Core Collections
- For libraries and educators serving readers in preschool through high school
- Book recommendations to assist with collection development and weeding

EBSCO Education Resources
Lesson plans, curriculum standards, and other professional development resources for educators (previously named Explora Educator's Edition)
- Highlights content relevant to K-12 teachers
- Searches: Academic Search Premier, Education Source, ERIC, Professional Development Collection, and Teacher Reference Center
- Includes information on state curriculum standards
- Provides easy access to lesson plans from ERIC and other resources

Education Source
Research database designed for education students, professionals, and policymakers. Coverage spans all levels of education research and specialties such as multilingual education, health education, and testing.
- Upgrade from previously available Education Research Complete
- Full-Text Database
- Unique journals, full-text conference papers, video collection, and searchable cited references

Educational Administration Abstracts
Citations covering areas related to educational administration
- Abstracting & Indexing Database - How Do I Access Full Text Articles? (how-to article)
- Topics include educational leadership, educational management and educational research
- Includes more than 87,500 citations and abstracts back to 1966

Authoritative database of citations and full-text education literature and resources
- Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Educations
- More than 1.6 million records and links to nearly 750,000 full-text documents
- Journal articles, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, dissertations, and policy papers

Library and Information Science Source..
Research database for library and information science students, professionals, and policymakers.
- Upgrade from previously available Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text (LISTA with Full Text)
- Broad spectrum of topics like librarianship, classification, information management, and history of library studies.

MasterFILE Complete
Popular full-text magazines, reference books and other sources from world's leading publishers
- Covers topics including business, health, education, fitness, sports and leisure, personal finance, general science, multicultural issues, DIY and fashion
- More than 2,300 full-text magazines and journals
- More than 870 full-text reference books
- More than 73,000 full-text primary source documents
- More than 1.6 million photos, maps and flags
- More than 70,000 videos from the Associated Press (AP)

Professional Development Collection
A collection of education journals
Includes 300 full-text, peer-reviewed journals
More than 200 educational reports
Includes Booklist, Education, Education Digest, Education Week, Educational Leadership, Journal of Education, Journal of Educational Research, Reading Teacher, and School Library Journal

Teacher Reference Center..
Research database for teachers providing indexing and abstracts for more than 220 peer-reviewed journals.
- Abstracting & Indexing Database - How Do I Access Full Text Articles? (how-to article)
- Covering subjects such as Assessment, Best practices, Continuing education, Instructional media, School administration, and Teacher education.

An engaging collection of resources that brings books to life
- Connect deeply with a book they are reading
- Gain new insights and understanding from award-winning authors
- Reinforce cultural authenticity and perspectives with diverse books
- Cultivate a life-long love of reading
- Find author interviews, lesson plans & interactive activities, discussion guides, and more to support literacy instruction