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Access Historical Documents, Newspapers, Magazines, Genealogy Resources and More 24/7 through BadgerLink.

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Explore the Amazing History of You. Historical Documents, Newspapers, Magazines, Genealogy Resources at

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(Packs of 50 in English)
(Packs of 50 in Spanish)

Planetary pals, meet your space neighbors! The sun and each of the 8 planets are shown in the solar system, placed as they are in relation to the sun. Each planet and the sun has its own color according to its atmosphere and eyes. Each of the planets has a paragraph of text introducing itself.


Solar system with sun and all 8 planets labeled. Each planet and the sun is a different color based on their atmosphere and has eyes that are looking out at the viewer.

(Packs of 50 in English)
(Packs of 50 in Spanish)

thumbnail Britannica Biomes bookmark

(Packs of 50 in English)
(Packs of 50 in Spanish)

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly. Egg stage with two eggs on a leaf. Larva stage with black and white striped caterpillar on leaf. Pupa state with sack hanging from a branch. Adult state with a monarch butterfly.

(Packs of 50 in English)
(Packs of 50 in Spanish)

The Life Cycle of a Frog in small circular images top to bottom. Eggs, tadpole, metamorphosis, froglet, and adult frog.

(Packs of 50 in English)
(Packs of 50 in Spanish)