"Choose my favorite BadgerLink resource? Impossible."
There are simply too many favorites! Both students and staff at DeForest Area High School are amazed at the quantity and value of BadgerLink databases. Students use Explora for Middle & High Schools and with its new user-friendly interface, usage has increased dramatically. Our AP Literature students use Literary Reference Source Plus as their go-to for literary criticism. World History teachers guide their students toward Britannica School - High as a starting point for their research. The resources in TeachingBooks have helped English teachers with designing their book studies and, of course, NoveList is an invaluable tool for Readers’ Advisory.
The list could go on and on: Access Newspaper Archive, Consumer Health Complete, History Reference Source... I cannot emphasize enough how fortunate we are to have these resources available to students and staff 24/7.
Margi, Library Media Specialist, DeForest, WI