BadgerLink includes over 60 databases from Britannica Education, EBSCO Information Services, Gale, ProQuest, TeachingBooks and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. To see the vendors' accessibility policies, please see the accessibility page.
While not included as a licensed product, access support is provided to the Wisconsin Historical Society's Family History Records.
Britannica Education

Full-text encyclopedias in both English and Spanish. Includes Britannica Fundamentals, Britannica School (early elementary, elementary, middle, & high), Escolar & Moderna, and Britannica Library; as well as the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary.

Magazine, journal, and multimedia databases and specialized interfaces covering virtually every subject for K-12 and academic students, as well as lifelong learners. Includes highlights like Academic Search Premier, Explora, NoveList, and Small Engine Repair Source.

Genealogy materials and newspapers, including HeritageQuest Online, Library Edition World Collection, and U.S. Newsstream.
Wisconsin Newspaper Association

Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers from smaller cities and communities, 2005 to 60 days ago.