"BadgerLink supports the academic curriculum on our campus."
As a result of MATC's recent M3 partnership with Milwaukee Public Schools and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and the very nature of a technical college, the demographics of our student population are becoming even more diverse. BadgerLink is an invaluable resource that serves our students at every level.
We introduce and promote BadgerLink resources, so no matter what their skill levels, students acquire life-long learning skills. Students familiar with these resources are also better equipped to utilize our other online resources and subscription databases. BadgerLink resources complement our offerings and support us in preparing students as they transition through the various phases of their careers, whether to the workforce, or to an institution of higher learning.
We use:
- Explora to locate and retrieve articles of interest for my students, which I can easily share using just a single-click to integrate and collaborate with Google GMail, Google+, and other Google Tools.
- TeachingBooks to explore K-12 fiction and non-fiction books through lessons, videos, and web links that provide a detailed discussion and illustration of main points from the story.
- Britannica School to introduce topical ideas for basic research for my students. They find the citation features easy to learn and add to their class assignments.
Additionally, working with the BadgerLink staff is easy! They provide resources for expanding options for my students.