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Advanced Placement Source
Multidisciplinary full-text research database for high school students enrolled in honors-level, Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses
- Full-Text Database
- Wide array of subject areas from the arts and multicultural studies to the STEM subjects
- 4,600+ full-text academic journals and magazines dating back to 1985
Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers
Full-text daily and weekly Wisconsin newspapers from 2005 to 60 days ago, plus newspapers from the 1800s and 1900s
- How to Find Wisconsin Newspapers in BadgerLink (how-to article)
Wisconsin Newspapers in BadgerLink Title List (includes titles from U.S. Newsstream, Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers, and Library Edition World Collection)
Britannica School
Access point for Britannica School Elementary, Middle, and High
- Every article and image have a citation
- Double-click on a word for definitions, pronunciations, and Spanish translation
- Switch between levels to find the appropriately difficult article
Military & Government Collection
Current news for all branches of the military and government
- Nearly 300 full-text journals and magazines
Full-text publications include Defense Studies, Military Technology, Combat Edge, Foreign Affairs, Naval Forces and more
Also offers indexing and abstracts for hundreds of journals
Newspaper Source Plus
Full-text coverage of today's major newspapers
- 63 million articles from more than 1,210 newspapers, 130 newswires, and 50 news magazines
Includes all staff articles for The Janesville Gazette, La Crosse Tribune, The Leader Telegram (Eau Claire), The Telegram (Superior), and The Wisconsin State Journal
Cover to cover coverage for Advance-Titan (Oshkosh), Capital Times, The Daily Reporter (Milwaukee), UWM Post (Milwaukee), Wisconsin Law Journal (Milwaukee), and Wisconsin State Journal
Near real-time access to top world-wide news
- Includes news from Associated Press, United Press International, PR Newswire, Xinhua, CNN Wire, and Business Wire
Continuously updated with a 30-day archive